High Representative Karwan Jamal Tahir, attendeds Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham

Alternate Text News : 10/1/2024

01/10/24 - Conservative Party Conference - Birmingham - UK, www.gov.uk.krd High Representative Karwan Jamal Tahir and the team from Representation attended this year’s Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham.

The Representation were pleased to have a presence in the main exhibition hall where we once again had a colourful stall showcasing some of the traditional garments and textiles of Kurdistan Region, as well as information booklets and our members of staff on hand to discuss the region with party delegates.

There were several panel discussions and fringe events with a focus on UK foreign policy and the direction it might take under the new government leadership. It was valuable to hear from the Shadow Foreign Secretary, Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell, at several of these events, as well as NGOs and other stakeholders in the international development and foreign policy community.

It was also an opportunity to hear from all four party leadership contenders about their vision of the Conservative Party and what they’d hope to achieve if they became Leader of the Opposition.

The annual KRG UK Conservative Party Reception on Tuesday evening was incredibly well-attended by delegates and we were fortunate enough to hear speeches from Alicia Kearns, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, as well as from High Representative Karwan Tahir.
The High Representative opened his remarks by paying tribute to the Conservative MPs who had lost their seats at the last election, including several who had been strong and vocal supporters of Kurdistan Region, such as Jack Lopresti, the former Chair of the APPG for Kurdistan Region.

He also made a special mention regarding the strength of the UK’s democratic process, and how they now ‘have a new and important responsibility as His Majesty’s Official Opesition. The Kurdistan Region will rely on a strong and robust Opposition holding the UK government to account on matters in the region and ensuring that UK commitments and responsibilities are met for our mutual benefit.’
He thanked the party for their friendship while in government, and is sure that friendship will continue to strengthen - not least by the foundation over the coming year of a Conservative Friends of Kurdistan group.

In Ms Alicia Kearns’ speech she gave a special thanks to the Kurdistan Region as allies in the wider region. While there is currently much global conflict, and Western powers are understandably distracted by regional conflicts, Ms Kearns was firm in her support for Kurdistan Region and made clear that the UK Government should not forget the Kurds, who are often interlocutors in such regional conflicts and important partners. She was also encouraged by the plans of party members to set up a Conservative Friends of Kurdistan and reaffirmed her support.

1st October 2024