KRG High Representative meets with Bambos Charalambous

Alternate Text News : 9/5/2024

London, House of Commons, United Kingdom, Karwan Jamal Taher KRG's High Representative to the UK met with the former MENA shadow minister and Labour member of the British parliament Bambos Charalambous.

Both parties discussed the latest events in the Kurdistan region, Iraq, and the wider region during their meeting at the British parliament. The labour MP was thanked by the KRG High Representative for his ongoing assistance in defending the rights and status of the Kurdistan region as well as its security, stability, and growth.

Meantime, he emphasised the significance of joint efforts to further strengthen bilateral ties between the Kurdistan Region 

Bambos Charalambos expressed his gratitude for the meeting and his readiness to cooperate in order to gather more support for Kurdistan Region, and to deliver the issues the region is facing to the UK parliament and the government, and said he was willing to work with the parliament’s APPGs to further support Kurdistan.

At the end of the meeting, both sides agreed to continue to meet in the future.

London, House of Commons