Kurdistan Region delegation participates in IBBC’s annual spring conference

Alternate Text News : 7/2/2024

Mansion House, London, United Kingdom, www.uk.gov.krd. A delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government consisting of Dr. Mohammad Shukri, Chairman of the Investment Board, Gohdar Shekho, Head of Zakho city administration, accompanied by Karwan Jamal Tahir, Kurdistan Regional Government High Representative to the UK, and representatives of a number of companies in the Kurdistan Region participated in the annual spring conference of the Iraqi-British Business Council (IBBC) in London.

During the formal opening of the conference, Dr Mohammad Shukri, Head of Kurdistan’s Investment Board, presented the KRG’s vision for investment in the Region. He also highlighted the environment of investment, trade, and economy in the region, particularly in the sectors of agriculture, tourism and industry which are the priorities of the KRG and shed light on the privileges the investors can get and the facilities the investment law provides for companies and investors.

On the sidelines of the conference, a discussion panel was held on the Kurdistan Region, in which the Kurdistan Region’s delegation stressed the stability and the existence of a good investment and trade environment in the Region, as well as highlighting the KRG's agenda, the government's vision for investment, and encouraged British companies and investors to take advantage of all facilities and business opportunities available in the Kurdistan Region.

4th July 2024