Kurdistan Regional Government ministers participates in the World Education Forum in London

Alternate Text News : 5/20/2024

United Kingdom, London, www.uk.gov.krd. A senior delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government consists of Alan Hama Saeed Salih Education Minister and Dr Aram Mohammad Qadir Higher Education and Scientific Research minister accompanied by Karwan Jamal Taher KRG UK High Representative participated in the annual World Education Forum in London.

During the Forum, which was attended by ministers, senior official delegations of 114 countries around the world, public & private educational centres, institutions and experts in the education sector, several panel discussions were held to discuss the education policies, share the expertise and to shed light on the issues that the education sector is facing.

On the side-lines of the Forum, the KRG delegation met with several international delegations, education centres and organisations in order to build cooperation and communication bridges and benefit form their expertise to further enhance the education and higher education fields in Kurdistan Region.

19 – 22 May 2024