Karwan Jamal Tahir takes part in an art exhibition in Wales
News : 4/9/2024
LondonŲ United KingdomŲ www.uk.gov.krd. The KRG High Representative to the UK, Karwan Jamal Tahir
graces the inaugural day of an art exhibition held in Cardiff, Wales, running
from April 6th to 17th, 2024. The event is jointly organised by the Kurdish All
Wales Associations (KAWA) and the Kurds Art Group."
At the event, Karwan Jamal Tahir congratulated both
organisations and artist Mariwan Jalal, for their efforts in organising the
event and he emphasised the significant importance of introducing and
showcasing Kurdish art and culture to other nations at such a level,
particularly given that the project intertwines painting and poetry."
The project, entitled "What a Scenery - Am
Olygfa," is exhibited at Ainda Gallery. It will showcase a collection of
sophisticated paintings by twenty esteemed artists, each drawing inspiration
from the poetry of the renowned Goran. Gratitude is extended for the
endorsement received from Members of Parliament Heledd Fychan, Ms., and Darren
Millar, MS, as well as the sponsorship provided by the Farooq Group.
The event saw a notable presence of Kurdish Diaspora, Welsh
communities, and city tourists alike.