Kurdistan Region delegation participates in IBBC’s annual spring conference

Alternate Text News : 6/16/2023

A delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government consisting of Kamal Muslim Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Mohammad Shukri Chairman of the Investment Board, Ms. Amal Jalal Head of the Kurdistan Region Tourism Board accompanied by Karwan Jamal Tahir Kurdistan Regional Government High Representative to the UK, Kurdistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, representatives of a number of companies in the Kurdistan Region participated in the annual spring conference of the British-Iraqi Business Council (IBBC) in London, titled "Iraq 2023, openness towards the world".

During the conference which was also attended by a delegation of the Federal Republic of Iraq and British officials and investors, Dr. Mohammad Shukri Head of Kurdistan’s Investment Board presented KRG’s vision for investment in the Kurdistan Region. He also highlighting the environment of investment, trade, and economy in the region, particularly in the sectors of agriculture, tourism and industry which are the priorities of the KRG.

In the same meeting، Lord Tariq Ahmed، Minister of Middle East، North Africa، South Asia and the United Kingdom in his speech referred to his latest visit to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, saying that the security, social and trade situation in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region has improved, while asking British companies, businessmen and investors to benefit from stability and investment opportunities in Iraq and the Kurdistan region. He reiterated British government’s support to the attendees of the conference.  

On the sidelines of the conference,  a discussion panel was held on the Kurdistan Region, in which the Kurdistan Region’s delegation shed light on the stability and the existence of a good investment and trade environment in the Region, as well as highlighting the KRG's agenda, the government's vision for investment, and encouraging British companies and investors to take advantage of all the facilities and business opportunities in the Kurdistan Region.

16th June 2023