High Representative Karwan Jamal Tahir warmly received by Archbishop of Canterbury

Alternate Text News : 4/26/2023

London, United Kingdom, www.uk.gov.krd. The Kurdistan Regional Government High Representative to the UK, Mr Karwan Jamal Tahir, was hugely honoured to be received by The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Rev’d, Rt Hon Justin Welby at his office in Lambeth Palace.

His Grace, the Archbishop, acknowledged the effort of the Kurdistan Regional Government to preserve peace and coexistence in the region. Mr Tahir was keen to stress the importance of interfaith acceptance, reconciliation and promoting peace and cohesion for the Kurdistan Region- which will remain a bastion of religious tolerance in the region.

The meeting was an opportunity for the two parties to exchange books as gifts. Mr Tahir gave His Grace a book on Kurdistan and the history of reconciliation and the promotion of peace. His Grace gifted his own book ‘The Power of Reconciliation’.